InsSQL2 = insSQL2 & "'" & orSalesOrderLineRet.SalesO rderLineRe t.TxnLineI D. If (Not orSalesOrderLineRet.SalesO rderLineRe t Is Nothing) Then Set orSalesOrderLineRet = salesOrderRet.ORSalesOrder LineRetLis t.GetAt(m) If (Not salesOrderRet.ORSalesOrder LineRetLis t Is Nothing) Thenįor m = 0 To salesOrderRet.ORSalesOrder LineRetLis t.Count - 1ĭim orSalesOrderLineRet As IORSalesOrderLineRet
If (Not salesOrderRet.PONumber Is Nothing) Then InsSQL = insSQL & "'" & salesOrderRet.CustomerRef. InsSQL = insSQL & "'" & salesOrderRet.TimeModified.
& "(SalesOrderID,DateModifie d,Customer ListID,Cus tomerFullN ame, ReferenceNumber,PurchaseOr derNumber) " _ Set salesOrderRet = salesOrderRetList.GetAt(j) If (responsetype = rtSalesOrderQueryRs) Thenĭim salesOrderRetList As ISalesOrderRetList Set responseList = responseMsgSet.responseLis t Set responseMsgSet = sessionManager.DoRequests( requestMsg Set) SessionManager.BeginSessio n "", omDontCare SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("SalesOrderLineRet.TxnLin eID") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("PONumber") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("RefNumber") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("CustomerRef") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("TimeModified") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeRet ElementLis t.Add ("TxnID") SalesOrderQuery.IncludeLin eItems.Set Value True FromModif iedDate.Se tValue ModDate, False TxnFilterN oAccount.O RDateRange Filter.Mod ifiedDateR angeFilter. Set salesOrderQuery = requestMsgSet.AppendSalesO rderQueryR q Set requestMsgSet = sessionManager.CreateMsgSe tRequest(" US", 6, 0) Thanks for the helpĭim sessionManager As New QBSessionManager I'm using Acess 2003 / Quickbooks Enterprise 7.0/ Quickbooks SDK 6.
#Qb sdk retlist.getat code
The code runs without error, but only the salesorder header information is returned without any line detail. 'Actually connect to the WMI service using the SWbemLocator and the SWbemContext parameters.I've included the code I'm using to query salesorders and salesorder lines from Quickbooks into two MS Access database tables. Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") ObjWbemContext.Add "_RequiredArchitecture", true ObjWbemContext.Add "_ProviderArchitecture", objProcessor.AddressWidth Set objWbemContext = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") 'Provides the bitness context parameters for registry calls. 'Essentially this transparent redirection would hide 64bit Java runtimes from a script running in 32bit mode on a 64bit OS. 'Wow6432Node branch for every registry call to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. Without this the actual registry paths will be transparently redirected to the 'The following SWbem setup allows a script running in a x86 context, such as under the SCCM client, on a 圆4 system Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") '-Functions-įunction RemoveJava(strRegistryPath, aryVersions, strLogFilePath, objProcessor)ĭim objWSHShell, objRegistry, objWbemContext, objSWbemLocator, objSWbemServicesĭim strUninstallKey, strDisplayName, strUninstallString, strVersion RemoveJava "Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\", aryVersionsx86On圆4, strLogFilePath, objProcessor If (objProcessor.AddressWidth = "64") Then 'This call will remove x86 versions on a 圆4 system. RemoveJava "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\", aryVersions, strLogFilePath, objProcessor 'This call will remove 圆4 versions on a 圆4 system and x86 versions on a x86 system. WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "Java uninstall script finished at " & Now() WScript.Echo "Finished problematic process check." WScript.Echo "Error Description: " & Err.Description
#Qb sdk retlist.getat series
WScript.Echo "Error Number: " & Err.Number Multi-vendor Network Today More Than Ever, DeviceNet Continues Support for Maine Automation Controller NJ-Series Support for open network The MX series/ MX series type/ RX series type can be. WScript.Echo "Could not kill process " & objProcess.Name & "! Aborting Script!" WScript.Echo "Process " & objProcess.Name & " already closed." WScript.Echo "Killed process " & objProcess.Name & "." WScript.Echo "Found process " & objProcess.Name & "."
'Cycle through found problematic processes and kill them.
'Set this to look for errors that aren't fatal when killing processes. WScript.Echo "Checking for problematic processes." Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select Name from Win32_Process Where Name = 'jqs.exe' OR Name = 'jusched.exe' OR Name = 'jucheck.exe' OR Name = 'jp2launcher.exe' OR Name = 'java.exe' OR Name = 'javaws.exe' OR Name = 'javaw.exe'", "WQL", 48) 'Kill processes that might prevent installs or uninstalls. Set objProcessor = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'") Check objProcessor.AddressWidth = "32" or "64" objProcessor.AddressWidth will give us bitness. Start /wait "" REGEDIT /E c:\temp\registry.tmp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall